May 22, 2017

5 Traditional British Beverages

In my last post I looked at seven traditional British foods, including the ubiquitous fish & chips and that favourite from the West Country, Cornish pasties. Today I'm featuring five beverages that are not only beloved by the Brits but have become part of the nation's social fabric. And what better place to start than with tea?

Tea at The Orangerie, Kensington Palace

1.  Tea

Tea is more than just a hot beverage to begin the day or settle one's frazzled nerves. Tea can be served as simply as a Cream Tea, which includes a pot of tea, scones, clotted cream and jam. Champagne Afternoon Tea adds finger sandwiches and pastries as well as a celebratory glass of bubbly. High Tea is generally a more substantial meal served in the late afternoon or early evening.

Cornish Cream Tea with Scones, Clotted Cream and Strawberry Jam

Champagne Afternoon Tea with Finger Sandwiches

2.  Beer

No visit to England would be complete without a visit to the local pub (short for "public house") for a pint. Lagers are served cold similar to North American beers but there are many different varieties of ales, stouts and bitters for those who are more adventurous.

Tribute Cornish Pale Ale

Writer's Block Cornish Ale

3.  Gin and Tonic

G & T with a slice of lime is considered British but has its origins further afield. Gin was actually an invention of the Dutch. The popular beverage was first mixed with tonic in colonial India where tonic water, which contains quinine, was taken medicinally because of its anti-malarial properties. Today it's simply refreshing.

Gin and Tonic

Tarquin's Cornish Gin

4.  Pimm's

This summertime cocktail is a thirst-quenching blend of a gin-based liqueur and sparkling lemonade plus cucumber, mint and fruit. It's consumed in pubs and patios across the country as well as being a staple at major British events like Wimbledon, Royal Ascot and the Henley Regatta.

Pimm's, a Summertime Classic

5.  Cider

Cider is most commonly made with apples, which have been cultivated in the U.K. since Roman times. Today the Brits consume more cider than any other country in the world.

Cornish Cider

Related Post:
7 Traditional British Foods

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