Working on my Bucket List in Monte Carlo

I've loved to travel for as long as I can remember. My ancestors emigrated from Europe and passed on the travel gene to future generations.  Growing up in the 60s, air travel was glamorous and touring Europe was the stuff of dreams. But in 1982, I finally took my first trip abroad. I recall the excitement of my first view of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower; the magic of flood-lit fountains at Villa d’Este in the hills outside Rome; and the early morning welcome of snow-capped mountains in Innsbruck. I was hooked.

Life intervened and it was another three decades before I had the opportunity to return to Europe. In the meantime, books set in exotic locales like Provence, Tuscany and the sunny islands of Greece helped to fill the travel void. And I put together a bucket list of more places to visit if I ever got the chance.

My kids grew up and then a lucky lottery ticket gave me the opportunity to travel once again. I started to blog about my travels, sharing photos and information that might be helpful to others in planning their own adventures in Europe. Since then I've been fortunate to accomplish many of the items on my bucket list, like Champagne Afternoon Tea at the Ritz Hotel in London and a Ferrari ride on the French Riviera. 

I live with my family in Ontario, Canada. When I'm not reading or writing, I'm busy planning my next trip abroad.

Happy travels!

Faye North

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