
August 03, 2015

Travel Theme: Wind

As a rule I don't like the wind. It can turn a cold winter day into a brutal one and cause snow to drift across my driveway. But I must admit I enjoy its cooling effect on a hot summer day. And wind can be very useful when it's generating power.

Wind Turbines on the Rhone River, France

A good wind also helps a flag look its best. (These flags could have used just a little bit more.)

Les Baux de Provence

One of the world's most powerful winds is the mistral wind of Provence. Posters for the Avignon Festival were hung all over the city but some of them couldn't hold up to the legendary wind.

Avignon Festival Posters

And while the mistral is blowing, I certainly wouldn't want to be sitting at the top of a ferris wheel!

Avignon, France

The wind can also do terrible things to your hair.

Augustus Gardens, Capri

Visit Wheresmybackpack? to find more photos of the wind and next week's travel photo theme.

For the rest of the month, I'm taking a little break from my blog to focus on my writing. But next month I'll be back with more posts about my visit to Venice. I'll also have news about the plans I'm making for another trip to Europe next summer.

See you in September!

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