
July 20, 2015

Hidden Gems of Cannaregio

With few tourist attractions, quiet Cannaregio is a neighbourhood of Venice that many travellers never see. Before checking out of the Boscolo Venezia I took some time to explore the canals and narrow alleyways surrounding the hotel to see where real Venetians live.

Water Fountain in Cannaregio

Narrow Alleyway

Venetians as well as tourists use the water bus, or vaporetto, to get around. The stop nearest to our hotel is Madonna dell'Orto.

Madonna dell'Orto Vaporetto Stop

Venetian Water Bus or Vaporetto

The nearby Church of Madonna dell’Orto was built in the 14th century and dedicated to Saint Christopher, patron saint of travellers. Renaissance artist Tintoretto lived in the neighbourhood and completed ten paintings for the church. He's also buried here.

Madonna dell'Orto Church

Cloister of Madonna dell'Orto

Tiny Campo dei Mori (Square of the Moors) is named for the turban-clad figures that have adorned the facades of its buildings since the Middle Ages.

Campo dei Mori, Square of the Moors

View from the Bridge

Campo dei Mori Cistern

One of the Moors on Campo dei Mori

I'm glad I took the time to wander off the beaten path. In a city as historic as Venice you never know what hidden gems you might find.

Next:  Venice - Queen of the Seas

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting area of Venice that I have never heard of before. I love the old statues you shared here, and the narrow roads.


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