
October 28, 2020

Dream Now, Travel Later

 Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit us all early in 2020, I've had ample time to write about my visit to France last year. But I got distracted and stopped posting and there seems to be no end in sight to the crazy goings-on in the world.

I don't know when I'll feel safe enough to once again board an aircraft and venture across the Atlantic. So it's more important than ever that I finish documenting my travels in Normandy and the Loire Valley. And then came beautiful Paris, where I was complaining about the crowds and traffic and vowing never to return. (Be careful what you wish for!)

By a stroke of good luck, I also returned to Tuscany a few months later. At the time I felt guilty for my year of travel "excesses" but now I'm so glad I went. Because, for the foreseeable future, I'll have to be content to dream now and (hopefully) travel later.

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