
July 06, 2015

Evening in Burano

The most colourful place in the Venetian lagoon must surely be the island of Burano. Known as the fisherman’s island, the simple houses are painted in a rainbow of colours. We came to the island late in the afternoon after most of the crowds had departed and enjoyed a peaceful pre-dinner stroll along the canals.

Burano, the Fisherman's Island

Burano has its own leaning tower, the campanile of San Martino church.

Bell Tower of Chiesa di San Martino

Burano Lace

The fresh sea air does wonders for the appetite. Luckily we had reservations at Trattoria al Gatto Nero (Black Cat). We dined indoors but the restaurant also has a lovely seating area on the canal.

Trattoria al Gatto Nero, Burano

The four-course meal began with a delicious seafood risotto and pasta with zucchini, followed by a variety of fish and calamari. Dessert consisted of fresh plums, apples and peaches plus biscotti for dunking into wine.

As the sun set over the lagoon we returned to our hotel to rest. And in the morning we would begin exploring the many wonders of Venice.

Next:  Hidden Gems of Cannaregio

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  1. The photos are so bright and colorful. What a wonderful place to visit, I hope I get there someday.

    1. I've never seen such colours anywhere else. The first time I visited Burano it was quite rainy and looked very different.


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