
April 26, 2013

"W" is for Window

This is Day 23 for the
Blogging from A to Z Challenge
for 2013.

Today's topic is window. The French have a colourful expression for window shopping: faire du lèche vitrine or "window licking".

While touring Europe I visited some iconic department stores, like Harrods in London and Galeries Lafayette in Paris.

Egyptian Escalator at Harrods, London

Galeries Lafayette, Paris

It's more fun to window shop, whether in a large city like Lyon

Taittinger Champagne, Lyon

or a small village like Viviers.

Charcuterie, Viviers

Some shop windows are filled with good things to eat or drink.


Chocolate Sardines, Aigues-Mortes

Absinthe and Pastis, Les Baux-de-Provence

Some items are fanciful miniatures.

Carousels, Eze-le-Village

Carousel, Beaune

Ferrari Garage, Eze-le-Village

Ferrari, Monte Carlo

And other windows are full of bling.

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo

And some shop windows can tell you exactly where in the world you are, like Venice.

Gondolier Shirts, Venice

Carnival Mask, Venice

Or a resort town along the French Riviera.

Saint Jean Cap Ferrat

Or the marshy Camargue region of France, where you're more likely to have a close encounter with a mosquito than a flamingo.

Flamingos in the Camargue

And the best part of window shopping? It doesn't cost a thing.

Next:  "X" is for Aix-en-Provence


  1. How nice. I want to window shop in Paris and London. Lyon looks just spectacular.

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. The best place in Lyon to browse is Les Halles Paul Bocuse, the market for the city's chefs - a foodie's paradise.

  2. Window licking--that's great! It makes sense! I loved the pictures, especially the Carnival mask--that must cost a fortune!

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