
April 05, 2013

"E" is for Employment

This is Day 5 for the
Blogging from A to Z Challenge
for 2013.

The subject for today is employment and the variety of unique jobs to be found in Europe.

The positions of Yeoman Warder (or Beefeater) and Queen's Guard at the Tower of London come with a long tradition of service to the British monarchy.

Yeoman Warders, Tower of London

Queen's Guard, Tower of London

Swiss Guards have protected the Vatican since the 16th century. They must be single, male Catholics of Swiss citizenship who have completed Swiss military training.

Vatican Swiss Guard

Considerably less training is required to become a modern-day gladiator outside the Colosseum in Rome.

Gladiator at the Colosseum, Rome

But becoming a gondolier in Venice is very competitive and requires intensive training and successful completion of an exam to become licenced.

Venetian Gondolier

The working conditions for a cab driver on the Isle of Capri must be much better than in New York City. These convertible taxis maneuver through little traffic but the streets are very narrow and winding.

Taxi on the Isle of Capri

For those who prefer to make their living off the land, Europe has many vineyards like the one worked by this grape harvester in Burgundy.

Grape Harvester, Burgundy

And some make a living off the sea, keeping the waters clean on this beach at Villefranche-sur-Mer.

Many local performers entertain visitors to Europe. This is our tour director's "uncle" who we first met in Eze.

Local Entertainment in Eze

We ran into him again, two years later, in Villefranche-sur-Mer.

It was like meeting an old friend.

Next:  "F" is for Ferrari


  1. What a great idea for a post ;-)
    Those guys at the top all make me think of the doormen outside of fancy hotels, decked out in faux historical finery ;-D

  2. And think of the cabbies in London who must pass The Knowledge!

    1. I can't imagine driving in London. I found walking a challenge - always looking the wrong way before crossing the street!

  3. What a great idea for E, Faye! I really enjoyed this post.

    Pauleen @
    A to Z 2013

  4. Thanks Pauleen - I appreciate you stopping by!

  5. This is a pretty kewl posting. I love all the different pictures you were able to capture for all the diversity. Great stuff.


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