
August 08, 2012

Scenic France

PARIS: Luxembourg Gardens

I recently returned from my vacation in France – a river cruise down the Saone and Rhone Rivers  through Burgundy and Provence, followed by a sojourn on the Cote d'Azur. And we saw some amazingly beautiful scenery.

It's taken almost a week to recover from the jet lag. I suppose it takes a little longer when you get older. Most nights my eyelids have begun to droop early, and it was impossible to keep them open much past 9:00 p.m. At least the early nights allowed me to awaken early to enjoy a morning walk before the heat set in.

And we had plenty of heat in France. Paris was cool and rainy, but as soon as we ventured south the temperatures warmed up and we were treated to day after day of sunshine and clear blue skies. I'm grateful for the low humidity, otherwise I would have struggled on the walking tours – lots of hills and stairs, maneuvering the cobblestoned streets under an unrelenting sun. So I must admit I rather enjoyed the relief brought by the famed Mistral winds we encountered in Avignon and Arles.

So now it's time to get back to my writing. I've just allowed the whole travel experience to percolate in the recesses of my mind since I got home. And after being away from my WIP for three weeks I hope I haven't acquired writer's block. I'm accustomed to spending at least a little time each day on some aspect of my writing and I'm a little worried that when I pick up the pen again, nothing will come out. Hopefully a little blogging will get me back into writing mode.

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